Sunday, July 4, 2010

Snook Fishing Mystery Lights

By Lamont Jones

I was curious to see if the local Fort Lauderdale snook survived the 2009 cold fronts. The Iguanas sure didn't, and I was a little afraid that maybe the snook took some casualties as well. We went lazy and took a few dozen leftover live Pilchards out for a late afternoon early evening session. Throw a few baits around the bridges and docks, and then fish a few lights. Stay out a couple hours.

I haven't really done any pilchard fishing and I have been using hogleg mullet for 25 years. Since it was pilchard we went pretty light with 12lb spin tackle Fin-Nor reels on Ugly Sticks and Star Rods. I ended up catching one small snook outside the lights, and then lost a big snook slow trolling the pilchards next to a seawall. I got spooled and broke the line cupping the spool to keep the snook out of a dock.

Her just a quick video I did with the Flip Video.

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