Monday, July 20, 2009



FORT LAUDERDALE - So I get call from Sharkman Drew Vacin that he's puting together a late afternoon shark trip down on the beach, from Land. So we bust out a couple of whooping sticks, and head down to the spot around 6:30. Drew has a couple buckets filled with barracudas and stinky king mackerels and starts cutting the fish up into large chunkable pieces. Drew slaps a piece of bait about half the size of your forearm onto a hook, and with a running start whip casts that thing about 60 yards out into the surf. It took about an hour, but one of the rod bends over in the rod holder and line starts flying off the reel. Drew gives the pole to Mike, and Miami has to run down the beach to get some of his line back. Its a major fight, and Mike is doing pretty well, you can tell the shark is large, and a crowd starts to gather on Fort Lauderdale Beach. Twenty minutes later the sun has set and its dark, but we can make out the large dark shape in the water. Drew runs into the surf grabs the leader, and pulls out about 50lb Spinner shark. A truly remarkable creature. We took a couple photos, and Drew gets the fish pointed the right way and its a clean release. I was surprised that Drew made it back with all of his fingers and toes, but he did. We don't hi-five but we congratulated Mike on a fish well fought, and thanked Drew for inviting us to see something you dont get to see everyday.

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